Friday, July 25, 2008



Let me start with what SummerScope is: Every year we pick one week during the summer and invite everyone we know (churches, individuals, youth groups, etc…) to come down to help out at El Pozo and in the community for a week. It’s a great time for lots of work to be done and for others to gain a better understanding of what we do down here in Puebla, Mexico.

Last week we hosted 22 people from 4 different churches and it was INCREDIBLE.

It was incredible to watch the 11 youth and 11 adults work on projects together.

It was incredible to see all the different people from different backgrounds and churches build friendships with one another.

It was incredible to watch our Mexican students work side by side with ‘the gringos’ and to give up their entire week to help improve their ministry.

It was incredible to see the love and thankfulness pour out of one of our students after we installed a much needed bathroom door on their house.

It was incredible to watch 28 people get on an already overcrowded bus and truly experience public transportation.

It was incredible to look at the end result of the week and see the sense of accomplishment in everyone’s eyes.

It was incredible to watch the rain pour down and see our brand new drainage system actual work. (no puddles were formed in the walkway or yard… hurray)

It was incredible to baptized 2 of our Mexican students at the end of week and for everyone down here to experience and participate in such a joyous occasion with us.

It was incredible to see lives changed by people giving up one week of their summer to help others.

It was incredible to see a 65 year old woman shoveling gravel all week.

It was incredible to hear everyone at the end of the week singing a praise song in Spanish that they knew by heart.

It was incredible to see the tears of joy for what had been accomplished and the tears of sadness of having to leave what became so comfortable.

It was incredible see the joy that came at reaching the top of the pyramid and the various reactions to eating the traditional grasshoppers at the top.

It was incredible to see the reactions from people experiencing their first cathedral.

It was incredible to watch our summer interns (who are only here for a month) work so hard.

It was incredible to see God work in and through everyone who participated in SummerScope… it was a truly INCREDIBLE experience for all involved.

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