Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Juarez, Mexico... going back again!!  Our students got so much out of last year's spring break trip that they are already planning for this year's trip.  We will be taking students to work with Casas por Cristo where they will build a home for a very needy and deserving family.  This partnership gives our students the opportunity to serve and help people in THEIR country.  There is already a lot of excitement about trip, however, there is also a lot of money that has to be raised in order to make this happen.  Our students know and understand this and THEY planned and implemented their first fundraiser... it was great!  

Last Saturday, a holiday in Mexico I might add, 3 of our student leaders decided to host a Rally which ended up being a group scavenger hunt. Each group had a car and was given 2 hours to complete all the items on the list. (and of course each car had to pay to enter the Rally with the first place team winning the grand prize... that's right, Money!)  The day was filled with costumes, lots of pictures, hanging out with horses, driving all over town, decorating 
cars, getting stuck in traffic, random questions and great bonding.

I did participate in the event which was an absolute blast. All of our student really got into it and there was a lot of fellowship and friendships that developed in the course of the 2 hours everyone spent together in a car.  Oh, did I mention there was free food afterwards... that's always a great way to get college students interested in something.  

We don't know who is going to Juarez yet, but because 3 students are passionate about it there is already several hundred dollars waiting for them.  I can't wait to see what else God lays on these students hearts, to see their creativity come to life, and to experience them taking ownership of such an amazing trip!!
