Friday, March 14, 2008

Beach Retreat

Let me tell you what I love about retreats, especially beach retreats to Veracruz.

I love that we crammed 55 people onto a bus to travel 5 hours together.  It is such a great time of bonding and fellowship.

I love that the weather was perfect and we stayed literally right on the beach.

I love that the speakers shared personal stories that our students could relate to and learn from.

I love that college students are crazy and stay up all night long playing games, hanging out, and talking.

I love that we were able to play a game of flamingo football where the girls scored two goals for the boys resulting in the boys winning 4-2.  

I love that the sand castle contest theme was inspired by Jack Stryker!

I love that there was a song competition between the girls and guys at the campfire Saturday night.  It was so much fun to watch songs being sung between the two groups both in English and Spanish and the competition that arose from it.  (the girls did win this!!)

I love that the first student ever baptized at El Pozo was able to baptize another student in the ocean at night... what a joyous occasion.  

I love that we didn't have to cook our own food; thank you hotel!

I love that if you walked too close to the pool you would definitely get pushed in!

I love that students who barely knew El Pozo have now found a home and friends.

I love that one student that came with us had no idea what would be going on at the retreat and at first really wasn't that into it.  But when given the option he choose to stay with us, make friends, and see what he could learn. (and has come to weekly activities at the campus house)

I love that a student, who is Jewish, now wants to read the bible with one of our exchange students.

I love that we stopped at Costco to eat with 55 people on the way back home.  Talk about fun chaos!

I love retreats: the bonding, the fellowship, the way God works in lives of the students, and what they learn about themselves, others, and God.  Retreats are great!
